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Welcome to my research website! Please browse through the content using the menu. Links to social media where I am active can be found on this homepage.
I work with functional nanostructures: In my group we fabricate new structures and functionalize them chemically in order to evaluate them for various applications. Our work is strongly interdisciplinary and we aim to develop new bioanalytical devices or synthetic biological systems on the nanoscale. We are also addressing fundamental scientific questions, for instance within supramolecular chemistry and polymer physics. Read more about our research on the other pages!
Looking for work?
I am always seeking contact with motivated students. If you are interested in working with me do not hesitate to contact me. Recruiting a PhD student requires a lot of funding, but it happens. Postdoctoral positions may also be announced. (Postdocs that can come with their own grants are of course particularly interesting.) All positions will be advertised on websites and social media platforms. Please note that normally, the only types of positions that can be announced by me are "doctoral student" and "postdoctoral researcher".
If you are interested in an announced position, apply for it using the online submission system (do not send your application to me). If you have questions about a position, check first if the answer can be found in the announcement (e.g. formal eligibility criteria). Note that I will not answer questions such as "Am I a good fit for the project?" or similar. Simply apply for the position if you find it interesting and I will evaluate you.
As an undergraduate student, you are very welcome to discuss the possibility to work in my group. There are several options available, for instance by doing your thesis work with us.
Disclaimer regarding contact:
Due to many unwanted phone calls I prefer to be contacted by messages. I may not answer spontaneous calls from contacts I do not recognize.
Due to the large number of emails I get I cannot promise to provide an answer to every one. (It sometimes simply takes too much time.) This holds for applications from students, conference invitations and various requests for help. However, I will still check your email even if I do not reply to you. Please do not feel dicsouraged to contact me!