The following list contains all my peer-reviewed publications (conference contributions excluded). Titles link to publisher site. Open access papers are indicated.

Photothermal properties of solid-supported gold nanorods.
M. Uusitalo, M. Strach, G. Eriksson, T. Dmytrenko, J. Andersson, A. Dahlin, M. Hulander, M. Andersson.*
Nano Letters (accepted).

Electrochromic active matrix with plasmonic metasurfaces.
O. Olsson,* M. Gugole, J. C. Blake, M. Chukharkin, A. Dahlin.
RSC Applied Interfaces (accepted).

Electrochromic passive matrix display utilizing diode-like redox reactions on indium-tin-oxide.
O. Olsson, M. Gugole, J. C. Blake, I. Petsagkourakis, P. Andersson Ersman, A. Dahlin.*
Advanced Engineering Materials (accepted).

Stable trapping of multiple proteins at physiological conditions using nanoscale chambers with macromolecular gates.
J. Svirelis, Z. Adali-Kaya & G. Emilsson & J. Medin, J. Andersson, R. Vattikunta, M. Hulander, J. Järlebark, K. Kolman, O. Olsson, Y. Sakiyama, R. Y. H. Lim, A. Dahlin.*
Nature Communications 2023, 14 (1), 5131 (article).

Video-rate switching of high-reflectivity hybrid cavities spanning all primary colors.
K. Xiong,* O. Olsson, S. Rossi, G. Wang, M.P. Jonsson, A. Dahlin, J. Baumberg.
Advanced Materials 2023, 35 (31), e2302028 (research article).

J. Andersson, J. Järlebark, S. KK, A. Schaefer, R. Hailes, C. Palasingh, B. Santoso, V.-T. Vu, C.-J. Huang, F. Westerlund, A. Dahlin.*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15 (7), 10228-10239 (research article).

M. Gugole, O. Olsson, V. Gupta, R. Bordes, E. Ahlberg, A. Martinelli, A. Dahlin.*
ACS Applied Optical Materials 2023, 1 (2), 558-568 (article).

O. Olsson, M. Gugole, A. Dahlin.*
Nanophotonics 2023, 12 (8), 1591-1599 (research article).

R. Brooke, I. Petsagkourakis, S. Majee, O. Olsson, A. Dahlin, P. Andersson Ersman.*
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2023, 308 (2), 2200453 (research article).

J. Andersson & J. Svirelis, J. Medin, J. Järlebark, R. Hailes, A. Dahlin.*
Nanoscale Advances 2022, 4 (23), 4925-4937 (review, cover page).

J. C. Blake & S. Rossi, M.P. Jonsson,* A. Dahlin.*
Advanced Optical Materials 2022, 10 (13), 2200471 (article).

Electrically switchable polymer brushes for protein capture and release in biological environments.
G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, M. Kyriakidou, Z. Adali, K. Xiong, R.L.N. Hailes, A. Dahlin.*
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61 (22), e202115745 (article).

J. Svirelis, J. Andersson, A. Stradner, A. Dahlin.*
ACS Sensors 2022, 7 (4), 1175-1182 (article).

J. Andersson, J. Svirelis, G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, T. Sannomiya, A. Dahlin.*
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022, 24 (7), 4588-4594 (article).

A. Kamanzi & Y. Gu & R. Tahvildari, Z. Friedenberger, X. Zhu, R. Berti, M. Kurylowicz, D. Witzigmann, J.A.
Kulkarni, J. Leung, J. Andersson, A. Dahlin, F. Höök, M. Sutton, P.R. Cullis, S. Leslie.*
ACS Nano 2021, 15 (12), 19244-19255 (article).

S. Rossi, O. Olsson, S. Chen, R. Shanker, D. Banerjee, A. Dahlin, M.P. Jonsson.*
Advanced Materials 2021, 33 (49), 2105004 (article).

Video speed switching of plasmonic structural colors with high contrast and superior lifetime.
K. Xiong, O. Olsson, J. Svirelis, C. Palasingh, J. Baumberg, A. Dahlin.*
Advanced Materials 2021, 33 (41), 2103217 (article).

Electrochromic inorganic nanostructures with high chromaticity and superior brightness.
M. Gugole, O. Olsson, S. Rossi, M. Jonsson, A. Dahlin.*
Nano Letters 2021, 21 (10), 4343-4350 (letter).

A. Forsvall,* J. Fisher, J. Francisco Pereira Cardoso, M. Wagenius, J. Tverring, B. Nilson, A. Dahlin, O. Bratt, A. Linder, T. Mohanty.
Scandinavian Journal of Urology 2021, 55 (3), 227-234 (article).

Control of polymer brush morphology, rheology and protein repulsion by hydrogen bond complexation.
J. Andersson, G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, P. Bilotto, F. Höök, M. Valtiner, A. Dahlin.*
Langmuir 2021, 37 (16), 4943-4952 (article, supplementary cover).

A designer FG-Nup that reconstitutes the selective transport barrier of the nuclear pore complex.
A. Fragasso, H. de Vries, J. Andersson, E. van der Sluis, E. van der Giessen, A. Dahlin, P. Onck, C. Dekker.*
Nature Communications 2021, 2010 (article).

Biochemical sensing with nanoplasmonic architectures: we know how but do we know why?
A. Dahlin.*
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 2021, 14, 4.1-4.17 (review).

S. Thiele, J. Andersson, A. Dahlin, R.L.N. Hailes.*
Langmuir 2021, 37 (11), 3391-3398 (article).

G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo & R.L.N. Hailes, A. Dahlin.*
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020, 11 (13), 5212-5218 (letter).

High contrast switching of plasmonic structural colors: inorganic vs organic electrochromism.
M. Gugole & O. Olsson, K. Xiong, J. Blake, J. Montero Amendo, I. Bayrak Pehlivan, G. Niklasson, A. Dahlin.*
ACS Photonics 2020, 7 (7), 1762-1772 (article, supplementary cover).

Generic high-capacity protein capture and release by pH control.
G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, R.L.N. Hailes, Z. Adali-Kaya, T. Robson, A. Dahlin.*
Chemical Communications 2020, 56 (44), 5889-5892 (communication, back cover).

Active control of plasmonic colors: Emerging display technologies.
K. Xiong, D. Tordera, M.P. Jonsson, A.B. Dahlin.*
Reports of Progress in Physics 2019, 82 (2), 024501 (report on progress).

Optical properties of plasmonic nanopore arrays prepared by electron beam and colloidal lithography.
B. Malekian, K. Xiong, E. Kang, J. Andersson, G. Emilsson, M. Rommel, T. Sannomiya, M.P. Jonsson, A. Dahlin.*
Nanoscale Advances 2019, 1 (11), 4282-4289 (communication).

G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, M. Koenig, M. Müller, K.-J. Eichhorn, M. Stamm, P. Uhlmann, A. Dahlin.*
Langmuir 2019, 35 (9), 3479-3489 (article).

Nanoplasmonic sensor detects preferential binding of IRSp53 to negative membrane curvature.
G. Emilsson & E. Röder, B. Malekian, K. Xiong, J. Manzi, F.C. Tsai, N.-J. Cho, M. Bally, A. Dahlin.*
Frontiers in Chemistry 2019, 7, 1 (article, Analytical Chemistry Editor’s Pick).

B. Malekian & R.L. Schoch, T. Robson, G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, K. Xiong, G. Emilsson, L.E. Kapinos, R.Y.H. Lim, A. Dahlin.*
Frontiers in Chemistry 2018, 6, 637 (article).

Quantitative analysis of thickness and pH-actuation of weak polyelectrolyte brushes.
G. Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, G. Emilsson, A. Dahlin.*
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (48), 27516-27527 (article).
S.S. Aćimović, H. Šípová, G. Emilsson, L. Shao, A.B. Dahlin, M. Käll, T.J. Antosiewic.*
ACS Nano 2018, 12 (10), 9958-9965 (article).

Gating protein transport in solid state nanopores by single molecule recognition.
G. Emilsson, Y. Sakiyama, B. Malekian, K. Xiong, Z. Adali-Kaya, R.Y.H. Lim, A.B. Dahlin.*
ACS Central Science 2018, 4 (8), 1007-1014 (article).
A.R. Ferhan, J. Jackman, B. Malekian, K. Xiong, G. Emilsson, S. Park, A.B. Dahlin, N.-J. Cho.*
Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90 (12), 7458-7466 (article).
Nanopore membranes for separation and sensing - a “prosporous” future.
G. Emilsson,* A.B. Dahlin.
Springer 2018, Integrated Analytical Systems, Miniature Fluidic Devices for Rapid Biological Detection, edited by S.H. Oh & C. Escobedo & A.G. Brolo, 1-23 (book chapter).

Polymer brushes inside solid state nanopores form an impenetrable entropic barrier for proteins.
G. Emilsson, K. Xiong, Y. Sakiyama, B. Malekian, V. Ahlberg Gagnér, R.L. Schoch, R.Y.H. Lim, A.B. Dahlin.*
Nanoscale 2018, 10 (10), 4663-4669 (communication).
Protein exclusion is preserved by temperature sensitive PEG brushes.
R. Schoch,* G. Emilsson, A.B. Dahlin, R.Y.H. Lim.
Polymer 2017, 132, 362-367 (article).
Switchable plasmonic metasurfaces with high chromaticity containing only abundant metals.
K. Xiong, D. Tordera, G. Emilsson, O. Olsson, U. Linderhed, M.P. Jonsson, A.B. Dahlin.*
Nano Letters 2017, 7 (11), 7033-7039 (letter).

Fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nanopores with cavities in the solid support.
B. Malekian & K. Xiong, G. Emilsson, J. Andersson, C. Fager, E.M. Larsson-Langhammer, A.B. Dahlin.*
Sensors 2017, 7 (6), 1444 (article).

S.S. Aćimović, H. Šípová, G. Emilsson, A.B. Dahlin, T. Antosiewicz, M. Käll.*
Light: Science & Applications 2017, 6, e17042 (article).

G. Emilsson, R.L. Schoch, P. Oertle, K. Xiong, R.Y.H. Lim, A.B. Dahlin.*
Applied Surface Science 2017, 396, 384-392 (full length article).

Plasmonic metasurfaces with conjugated polymers for flexible electronic paper in color.
K. Xiong, G. Emilsson, A. Maziz, X. Yang, L. Shao, E.W.H. Jager, A.B. Dahlin.*
Advanced Materials 2016, 28 (45), 9956-9960 (communication, inside back cover).

D.L.M. Rupert, G.V. Shelke, G. Emilsson, V. Claudio, S. Block, C. Lässer, A.B. Dahlin, J.O. Lötvall, M. Bally, V.P. Zhdanov, F. Höök.*
Analytical Chemistry 2016, 88 (20), 9980-9988 (article).

Biosensing using plasmonic nanohole arrays with small, homogenous and tunable aperture diameters.
K. Xiong, G. Emilsson, A.B. Dahlin.*
Analyst 2016, 141 (12), 3803-3810 (article, Emerging Investigator issue).

Sensing applications based on plasmonic nanopores: The hole story.
A.B. Dahlin.*
Analyst 2015, 140 (14), 4748-4759 (critical review).

J. Junesch, G. Emilsson & K. Xiong, S. Kumar, T. Sannomiya, H. Pace, J. Vörös, S.-H. Oh, M. Bally, A.B. Dahlin.*
Nanoscale 2015, 7 (37), 15080-15085 (communication).

Plasmon enhanced internal photoemission in antenna-spacer-mirror based Au/TiO2 nanostructures.
Y. Fang,* Y. Jiao, K. Xiong, R. Ogier, Z.-J. Yang, S. Gao, A.B. Dahlin, M. Käll.*
Nano Letters 2015, 15 (6), 4059-4065 (letter).

Strongly stretched protein resistant poly(ethylene glycol) brushes prepared by grafting-to.
G. Emilsson, R.L. Schoch, L. Feuz, F. Höök, R.Y.H. Lim, A.B. Dahlin.*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7 (14), 7505-7515 (article).

F. Mazzotta, T. Johnson, A.B. Dahlin, J. Shaver, S.-H. Oh, F. Höök.*
ACS Photonics 2015, 2 (2), 256-262 (article).
A thermal plasmonic sensor platform: Resistive heating of nanohole arrays.
M. Virk & K. Xiong, M. Svedendahl, M. Käll, A.B. Dahlin.*
Nano Letters 2014, 14 (6), 3544-3549 (letter).

Plasmonic nanopores in metal-insulator-metal films.
A.B. Dahlin,* M. Mapar, K. Xiong, F. Mazzotta, F. Höök, T. Sannomiya.
Advanced Optical Materials 2014, 2 (6), 556-564 (full paper, with frontispiece).

V. Claudio, A.B. Dahlin, T. Antosievicz.*
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (13), 6980-6988 (article).
Embedded plasmonic nanomenhirs as location-specific biosensors.
K. Kumar, A.B. Dahlin, T. Sannomiya, S. Kaufmann, L. Isa, E. Reimhult.*
Nano Letters 2013, 13 (12), 6122-6129 (letter).
Nanoantennas for refractive index sensing.
T. Shegai,* M. Svedendahl, S. Chen, A. Dahlin, M. Käll.
Cambridge University Press 2013, Optical Nanoantennas, edited by M. Agio, 361-377 (book chapter).

Promises and challenges of nanoplasmonic devices for refractometric biosensing.
A.B. Dahlin & N. Wittenberg, F. Höök, S.-H. Oh.*
Nanophotonics 2013, 2 (2), 83-101 (review).

Y. Ikenoya, M. Susa, J. Shi, Y. Nakamura, A.B. Dahlin, T. Sannomiya.*
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117 (12), 6373-6382 (article).
R. MacKenzie, C. Fraschina, B. Dielacher, T. Sannomiya, A.B. Dahlin, J. Vörös.*
Nanoscale 2013, 5 (11), 4966-4975 (full paper).

Size matters: Problems and advantages associated with highly miniaturized sensors.
A.B. Dahlin.*
Sensors 2012, 12 (3), 3018-3036 (review).

J. Junesch, T. Sannomiya, A.B. Dahlin.*
ACS Nano 2012, 6 (11), 10405-10415 (article).

Electrochemical plasmonic sensors.
A.B. Dahlin,* B. Dielacher, P. Rajendran, K. Sugihara, T. Sannomiya, M. Zenobi-Wong, J. Vörös.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012, 402 (5), 1773-1784 (review).

Plasmonic biosensors: An integrated view of refractometric detection.
A.B. Dahlin.*
IOS Press 2012, Advances in Biomedical Spectroscopy 4 (sole author book).

Nanoplasmonic sensing of metal-halide complex formation and the electric double layer capacitor.
A.B. Dahlin,* R. Zahn, J. Vörös.
Nanoscale 2012, 4 (7), 2339-2351 (full paper).
Performance of nanoplasmonic biosensors.
A.B. Dahlin,* M.P. Jonsson.
Springer 2012, Integrated Analytical Systems, Nanoplasmonic Sensors, edited by A. Dmitriev, 231-265 (book chapter).
Nanoplasmonic sensing combined with artificial cell membranes.
M.P. Jonsson,* A.B. Dahlin, F. Höök.
Springer 2012, Integrated Analytical Systems, Nanoplasmonic Sensors, edited by A. Dmitriev, 59-82 (book chapter).
Investigation of plasmon resonances in metal films with nanohole arrays for biosensing applications.
T. Sannomiya,* O. Scholder, K. Jefimovs, C. Hafner, A.B. Dahlin.*
Small 2011, 7 (12), 1653-1663 (full paper, cover page).

Electrochemical crystallization of plasmonic nanostructures.
A.B. Dahlin,* T. Sannomiya, R. Zahn, G.A. Sotiriou, J. Vörös.
Nano Letters 2011, 11 (3), 1337-1343 (letter).
Electrochemistry on a localized surface plasmon resonance sensor.
T. Sannomiya, H. Dermutz, C. Hafner, J. Vörös, A.B. Dahlin.*
Langmuir 2010, 26 (10), 7619-7626 (article).
Locally functionalized short-range ordered nanoplasmonic pores for bioanalytical sensing.
M.P. Jonsson,* A.B. Dahlin, L. Feuz, S. Petronis, F. Höök.*
Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82 (5), 2087-2094 (article).

G.E. Rydell, A.B. Dahlin, F. Höök, G. Larson.*
Glycobiology 2009, 19 (11), 1176-1184 (article).

High-resolution microspectroscopy of plasmonic nanostructures for miniaturized biosensing.
A.B. Dahlin,* S. Chen, M.P. Jonsson, L. Gunnarsson, M. Käll, F. Höök.*
Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81 (16), 6572-6580 (article, accelerated publication).

A.B. Dahlin, P. Jönsson, M.P. Jonsson, E. Schmid, Y. Zhou, F. Höök.*
ACS Nano 2008, 2 (10), 2174-2182 (article).

Nanoplasmonic biosensing with focus on short-range ordered nanoholes in thin metal films (review).
M.P. Jonsson,* A.B. Dahlin, P. Jönsson, F. Höök.*
Biointerphases 2008, 3 (3), FD30-FD40 (in focus review).

Label-free plasmonic detection of biomolecular binding by a single gold nanorod.
G.J. Nusz, S.M. Marinakos, A.C. Curry, A. Dahlin, F. Höök, A. Wax, A. Chilkoti.*
Analytical Chemistry 2008, 80 (4), 984-989 (article).

F. Höök,* G. Stengel, A.B. Dahlin, A. Gunnarsson, M.P. Jonsson, P. Jönsson, E. Reimhult, L. Simonsson, S. Svedhem.
Biointerphases 2008, 3 (2), FA108-FA116 (in focus review, cover page featured).

Specific self-assembly of single lipid vesicles in nanoplasmonic apertures in gold.
A.B. Dahlin, M.P. Jonsson, F. Höök.*
Advanced Materials 2008, 20 (8), 1436-1442 (communication).

M.P. Jonsson, P. Jönsson, A.B. Dahlin, F. Höök.*
Nano Letters 2007, 7 (11), 3462-3468 (letter).

Generic surface modification strategy for sensing applications based on Au/SiO2 nanostructures.
R. Marie, A.B. Dahlin, J.O. Tegenfeldt, F. Höök.*
Biointerphases 2007, 2 (1), 49-54 (article).

Y. Zhou, H. Xu, A.B. Dahlin, J. Vallkil, C.A.K. Borrebäck, C. Wingren, B. Liedberg, F. Höök.*
Biointerphases 2007, 2 (1), 6-14 (article).

Improving the instrumental resolution of sensors based on localized surface plasmon resonance.
A.B. Dahlin, J.O. Tegenfeldt, F. Höök.*
Analytical Chemistry 2006, 78 (13), 4416-4423 (article).

Plasmonic sensing characteristics of singe nanometric holes.
T. Rindzevicius, Y. Alaverdyan, A. Dahlin, F. Höök, D.S. Sutherland, M. Käll.*
Nano Letters 2005, 5 (11), 2335-2339 (letter).
Phospholipid vesicle adsorption measured in situ with resonating cantilevers in a liquid cell.
S. Ghatnekar-Nilsson,* J. Lindahl, A. Dahlin, T. Stjernholm, S. Jeppesen, F. Höök, L. Montelius.
Nanotechnology 2005, 16 (9), 1512-1516 (article).
Localized surface plasmon resonance sensing of lipid-membrane-mediated biorecognition events.
A. Dahlin, M. Zäch, T. Rindzevicius, D.S. Sutherland, M. Käll, F. Höök.*
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127 (14), 5043-5048 (article).