Teaching Material
Surface Engineering
This is "my own" course where I am examiner and do the majority of the teaching since 2018. I use a "flipped classroom" approach, which means that the students study the material on their own before we meet up in class. When we do, time is spent on exercises and problem solving. My lectures are available as video files in the video section. The slides are also available here:
Lecture 1: Overview of Surface Forces
Lecture 2: Kinetics of Molecular Binding to Surfaces and Patterning
Lecture 3: Surface Sensitive Techniques
Lecture 4: Wetting of Interfaces and Tribology
Lecture 5: Theory of Polymer Brushes
Lecture 6: Chemical Surface Analysis and Plasma Treatment
Nanomaterials Chemistry
In this course I give one lecture about nanopore sensors. I have not made the slides publicly available here, mainly due to copyright reasons, but please contact me if you are interested.
Kemi och Material

I den här kursen föreläser jag om "nanomaterial" i fyra föreläsningar:
Porösa Material och Kemiska Ytmodifieringar
Platta Material och Nanostrukturer
I have also been main or secondary teacher in several other courses. Some were quite advanced level, such as soft matter physics and biotechnical physics, where I also developed lab exercises. Others were more basic physics courses and MATLAB programming. Please contact me if you are interested in this teaching material.